Why Hindi Could Be (but isn't) a Global Language

The demography of a particular language is largely determined by two factors- influence and population.

Latin and Roman languages were popular in their heyday because those empires exerted unparalleled influence and captured most civilisations of the time.

French gained popularity due to the influence of the European empire and more so the Roman Catholic system which inspired billions of followers. 

English obviously doesn't need much of an explanation. It is currently THE global language because of the influence that UK once exerted through all of its colonies (India included) and following that the foundation of America- which went on to become (arguably) the greatest nation in the world.

Most people with foresight are already taking Mandarin lessons because indications are China will soon replace America as the new world leader. Chinese citizens have managed to form a truly diverse global society, partly because of their manufacturing scope and largely because of their population. 
Despite the influence they exert though, the Chinese refuse to recognise English as the medium for communication. At least a majority settled in their own country either don't know even a little of this global language or outright refuse to speak it. It is their inherent pride in their culture and language and endearing stubbornness that has led people who hope to be world leaders or in the forefront in any other field, to look to Mandarin and perhaps learn it, despite its difficulty level and various dialects.

India too is on everyone minds and lips. It's the natural successor to China. The low labour costs combined with the fiercely increasing population indicate that we might in the foreseeable, if not immediate future be world leaders, and yet I see no one jumping to learn Hindi. That's because of the obvious lack of respect that we seem to display for our own mother tongue. In India a dying breed of minority takes pride in knowing and conversing in Hindi. Pride instead follows with perfect use of English. This is so sad because even though we are not a British colony any longer, we have very successfully internalised our inferiority by displaying pride in another country's language, just like we display pride in being fair, and use fairness creams, or ogle over Caucasians as if they are somehow better or higher up. 

Hindi could've one day been a language that the world wanted to learn to converse in to be able to impress Indian entrepreneurs, pioneers, leaders. But it seems all it requires to impress Indians to is display that we are inferior, by anyone who has adapted the myth of Caucasian supremacy. Ironically I am a part of that problem, writing this very article in the language I am so unabashedly criticising because I am not eloquent enough in my mother tongue to adequately express myself.

Let's strive to take more pride in who we are and the language we speak and the world will be amazed to see us grow into what we have the potential to be. 

I Hate That I Love You

An eclectic mix of happy and sick
A simultaneous reaction of nervousness and excitement
A chaotic dance between yes and no
A newness in-sync with familiarity

Thats the state of me
Ever since I met you 
A pandemonium of emotions
All contradictions within me 

I shiver at the thought of you
That very thought makes me dreamy
I feel lightheaded and out of focus
Yet every detail's imprinted clearly

My life does not stop, come calamity
Still I stand still for you
Too much to do,not a moment is free, 
But my time freezes around you

I hate that I love you 
Though I never want to be free of you
I hate anyone having power over me
But I just want to surrender to you

A smile from you makes my day
A kiss erases all other memories
I don't know if it's love or infauation
I just know I want you to hold me


The sad illusion of self importance that destroys everything positive in and around us.

In the true essence of the world we are all really one. We all rise from energy and dissipate into it. We are varied in nature, characteristics, thoughts and actions and yet the only thing within us that lasts is the thing that is common in everyone. The energy- and that's why we are all one. 

Ego breaks this oneness apart. It fragments the foundations of connections, of emotions, of love. 'I won't go to her, she should come to me' what difference do two steps from either direction make when the purpose is to meet? 
'I won't say this first, it needs to come from him' how does it matter who opens the mouth first, when the idea is to communicate?

Ego defies all rationale and yet most often exists in rational people. It's what snuffles out the light from any kind of human connection and gives us immense pain, yet this illusion has a stronger grasp on us than several aspects of reality.

Imagine if between two people, just one let's go of ego, then there is no reason for the other person to possess it either. And this leads to a chain reaction.

Imagine a world where there is no ego. We do what we want because we want to do it. We don't wait for whether we should be the first ones or someone else should initiate it. Isn't that the most beautiful kind of freedom? To act as you want, to express what you want, to give without wondering if you'll receive, to love without thinking its weak. 

The Sacrifice

A young woman, about 20, sits on a bus peering ahead through the crowd. She stares intently at something several seats ahead of her: it's the back of someone's head. After a moment, she makes a decision, gets up and makes her way over to the person. When she arrives, we see that the object of her attention is a man, about 65, reading a newspaper. The young woman begins to speak:
“ Sir I’m so sorry to disturb you, but I had to ask, you have been intently staring at the newspaper for the longest time, excuse me for being so blunt, but I noticed that you, well, I noticed that..” The man interrupted her, “You noticed that I am blind, and you are wondering what I am doing with a newspaper not printed in braille”
The young woman, a little embarrassed, but also quite excited, replied,  “Well yes. I was most fascinated, because you didn’t seem to pretend to be reading, you also made no efforts to show that you are not, umm…visually impaired, instead, it seemed like you were actually reading!”
“You are most observant indeed. Well things are not always what they seem,” replied the man, with a mysterious smile.
“Does that mean that you weren’t reading, or that you aren’t blind?”
The man chuckled and said, “Why does it have to mean either of those things dear?”
The bus came to a halt, and the man left. The woman, unable to contain her curiosity, followed him, even though her destination was nowhere near. Chasing after the man, she said, “Sir please, you must tell me how you were reading”.
“You again miss. Do you live nearby?” The man turned to cross the road. “Do you need any help”, the woman asked, feeling stupid even as she said those words out loud, because for some reason she was engulfed by this intuition that he could probably cross the road better that she could. And right she was, as the man expertly whizzed by the speeding traffic, in perfect control. She couldn’t contain herself any longer. “You aren’t really blind are you”, she asked accusingly. The man, not at all offended, merely amused, quietly turned around and looked directly into her eyes, as if he could see right through her, but anyone who had seen his eye sockets right then could guarantee, that he couldn’t see anything at all, let alone her. She may have doubted his impairment once, but there was no way she could do it a second time around. It was undeniably clear, that he was blind!
This confirmation, instead of helping her in anyway just intensified her curiosity. She had to know the secret behind the man. He was definitely blind, yet the way he walked, seemed to read, was not something a blind man could do. It wasn’t even like an experience, which came after an adjustment to this way of life. It was, for lack of better words, simply as if he could see.
She followed him relentlessly, determined to get answers, and he would just throw her a mysterious smile, with one riddle after another. Furiously planning on a way to get him to respond, she almost lost him, as he went across another road, in a desperate attempt to catch up, she ran. She almost didn’t notice a speeding bus, she clutched her eyes close, rooted to the spot with fear, when a hand pulled her forward just in time.
The man had saved her! “ If people didn’t know any better, they would say that you were the blind one between the two of us young lady”, said the man. They halted at a residential building. “This is where I live, would you like to come in?” he asked. Normally very apprehensive of strangers, she hesitated, but then realizing that he had just saved her life, and more so because she couldn’t suppress her curiosity, she accepted.
“My name is Rita Wilson”, she offered, “ I am a studying to be an ophthalmologist at the state owned local university” “Aha! Now I understand the reason for your curiosity. My name is Jacob Matthews, I am a janitor at the state bank”, he quipped.
“Well now that we have introductions out of the way, I am sure you can tell me how you do it. And please do not respond in another riddle” she warned. “But I do nothing.” “No, you can see, how I do not know, but then that is what I am here to find out.” “That is most absurd. I obviously cannot see, and one such as yourself, studying to be an ophthalmologist should know better.” “Is it some sort of training you have given yourself? If yes, kindly share it with me, it would greatly help many like you!”
“No it isn’t any form of training, its just a heightened awareness of other senses” “But that cannot be, there must be something more to it. No one with other senses so heightened can do what I saw you doing.” “Well seeing as you aren’t going to leave me alone till I tell you, here you go.”
He guided her to a chair, blindfolded her eyes. She protested, but he told her to relax and lie back. He then took her finger and placed them in a shallow bowl filled with some bright red liquid. He then said, “Now open your eyes” “But how can I? You have me blindfolded”. “That is the major problem today, eyes are but a medium to the soul, and the brain, I mean open your inner eyes, clear your mind”
He moved a step away, picked up a tennis racquet, “Ready?”, he called, but before she had the chance to reply, he waved the racquet with great speed, stopping just short of her face. She screamed loudly, and moved violently, causing her to topple over the chair. Still quite ruffled she quickly removed the blindfold. “Are you crazy? Did you want to crack my skull?” she yelled. “I was merely giving a demonstration for which you pestered me this entire afternoon”
He gestured towards the sofa, and she sat down. After five minutes, when she was again collected and calm she asked, “ what happened? That was most extraordinary. I was blindfolded, and everything was black, but then you waived that racquet at me and I could’ve sworn that its image formed in my head, the colours were fuzzy, and the picture was detailed as if made from many vibrating particles, but the outline of the object was amazingly sharp and clear! How did that happen? Are you a miracle worker of some sort? The liquid! Did you mix something in that? Is that why I could see? What is in that bowl?”
“That’s too many questions at once! And I am not sure I have the answers to all. But I will tell you; yes the liquid is one of my inventions. It heightens our sense of touch so much, that even a gust of wind can create a shape and an image.“ that’s incredible! Did you say it is one of your inventions? Then what are you doing as a janitor sir? You could easily have become rich and famous!”
“The usual question. I had hoped you would be smarter than that. I don not desires riches or fame.  I lost my eyes in a tragic accident, but I never see that as a curse, for only when I lost my eyes, did I begin to see more clearly”
“You do talk in awful lot in puzzles, don’t you? How did you lose your eyes, what happened?” “I am not sure you want to hear it. Why would you be interested in an old man’s tale? It is neither entertaining nor instructive” “Tell me anyway”
“Well then here goes. About fifty years ago, when I was just a boy, and maybe even your parents weren’t born, I lived in place called Marsifica. You may have never heard of it, hardly any one has. It is but a village with a largely tribal population. In fact you might be surprised of the absurd traditions and practices still followed there. Well I was a victim of one such practice. Every year, to appease the storm God they would offer a blood sacrifice of crow’s eyes. Year after year the place was protected, it never faced any storms, and then in the winter of 1962, when I had just turned 15 we had the worst snowstorm ever. It persisted for weeks at a stretch, and at least 30 fit men perished in its fury. The entire village was extremely worried, and went to the head seer for advice. The seer suggested that the only thing that would now appease the god was to be sacrifice of human eyes; the eyes of someone who was good hearted, and genuinely appreciated the gift of vision. It so happened that I fit all the criteria. So ….”
“Oh dear lord! You were right. I absolutely shouldn’t have asked, that was most brutal, does that mean that you were the object of a superstitious sacrifice? That is most outrageous. What about your parents? Didn’t they protest?” “Of course they didn’t protest, they were honored to offer their son, and be of service to the Gods”, he replied. “You say that so calmly, I would have been enraged at them, at the whole lot of them. You truly are a wise and evolved man! They were idiots for doing this to you” “Well not really. I forgave them once I realized that my contribution helped save so many lives.” “But that is outrageous, surely you don’t believe that sacrifices actually appease Gods, and prevent disasters? You have suffered so greatly at the hands of this how could you possibly` back the concept? I am sure you are pulling my leg, someone as wise as you, cannot support such nonsense.”
The smile returned on Jacob’s lips, possibly the brightest and widest up till now. “I see that smirk! So you were joking! Of course you were” she quipped. In her excitement she didn’t notice that Jacob had walked into the kitchen and emerged with a sinister looking instrument, with two points facing forward. She just barely managed to look at him, before he plunged the two nails with great force into her eyes. “Was I really joking?” Jacob said. The last thing she remembered was Jacobs sinister smile, before she was engulfed in darkness forever. .

The Bane of Sagacity for a Particular Gender

The Dilemmas of Being a Thinking Woman in a Patriarchal World

As a child, I would wake up on countless mornings desperately wishing I were born a male, and to my everlasting shame, I finally admit to it. It is depressing that someone so close to feminism, someone so rebellious is hollow from the inside, a mere abyss. All my fight, my struggle, my strife for change is an outer façade of helplessness.
   Patriarchy is not limited to any country, culture or society. Indeed it is more prevalent in some places, however it is as global, or as local a practice as marriage itself. Funnily enough though there are so many levels to it, that many extremely important aspects simply get ignored as minor issues. While there are feminists advocating changes such as dowry, people have almost forgotten that changing surnames to adopt that of your husband is in itself a very patriarchal practice. Women, even well educated ones, get married into households where their in laws are kind to them, and feel they are extremely lucky, and have dodged the malfunct ways of the world, yet they forget that the very fact that marrying and leaving your parental house for that of another is not justified. But what is most surprising is the viewpoint that even the most forward-looking people I have met, have towards it. I have talked to various individuals, all very modernized in all senses, who believe in working women, and equality of the sexes, and yet find the practice of a woman marrying and going into the in-laws house as completely justified. Maybe it’s simply a generation gap, and yet some people even in this generation are more than happy with the way things are. If nothing else, it says tons about a reified concept, a practice that has achieved its current state after ages of internalization. To state it simply, even if we get a small bit of what we rightfully deserve, we believe we are the luckiest. It’s like a man who has been completely robbed blind, feeling ecstatic after finding a penny out of his stolen earnings. Unbelievable as it may sound, the normal discussions between teenage girls, among other things include how their parents treat them, and whether they have any faith in them or not. While a girl discusses how she has the ‘bestest parents in the world’ if they let her dress by her choice, go out, and support her in whatever ambitions she may have, boys take this as a very common place practice, believing its their parents “duty” towards them. I am one such girl who has always been claiming to her peers about how lucky I am, and how I have the most forward thinking parents, who support me no matter what, and always respect my decisions at the end of the day. If I still wish I had been born a man, one can only imagine the disparity of the times we are living in.
    This reminds me of the very famous work of Virginia Woolf, who in one of her essays predicted what would have happened if Shakespeare had had a sister, equally gifted and talented as he is. Her conclusion was that she would have become a struggling artist, seen as a means to an end, manipulated in life, and impoverished and unrecognized, died anonymous. Well agreeably things have changed since then, and yet that could still be the fate of very gifted woman, born in an unfortunately orthodox household. I wouldn’t know how to label this apart from calling it double standards, where people pretend to be progressive, and yet simply cannot part with the most unreasonable practices passed down to them over several generations.
    How can one expect the world to view women as equal to men, when women themselves lack such vision? And how do we expect a woman to have such a vision when most steps in her life are towards finding the perfect match, and while her husbands achievements are measure in salaries or awards, hers are in her in laws praises? Why is a woman only praised for her work, when she balances both her professional and personal life, but a man showered with respect, when he manages a decent position in professional field alone? I for one, being surrounded by all ‘forward thinking people’ living in this pseudo intellectual society have not heard of one newly married woman being praised except for her looks or her manners, or rather more appropriately her ‘sanskar’. And this is where the dilemma of being a thinking woman steps in. Maybe someone satisfied with a mediocre life, could settle in, and accept the harsh reality, but how can someone with constant thoughts of these settle in peacefully with such a life, knowing its nothing short of a crime to bow down to such injustice? Sure there has been revolutionary change in the position of women, just like there was when the slaves were freed from the tentacles of the ‘white Aryan race’ but even after receiving freedom they were continually perceived as, and sometimes still are seen as inferior, there is not much difference in the way women are viewed by these shallow individuals either, nothing more than a piece of property with the rights of ownership, first to the father and then the husband.  And even when we evolve enough to surpass the crude views of ‘ownership of women’, even when women cease to be seen as pieces of property, there will be issues, currently seen as minor, yet in retrospect so important, because it is these minor things, so deeply integrated into our lives, which ultimately ensure the continuing cycle of patriarchy.

    The saddest thing remains that this practice is continuing today, not because of men, but because of women, who instill such traditions into their daughters and daughters in law, who expect to see women subordinated, who do not view girls as being equal to boys, who follow the norms laid out by society without thought or question, who just continue a mundane meaningless existence, and take out the bitterness of their uneventful lives, and shattered dreams on other women, resenting the few exceptions to the rule, and blaming the innocent. Till it becomes a normal part of discussion, till its seeps into every aspect of our lives, till only one gender is not required to give up their homes, their familial names, till both are entrusted with equal amounts of faith, how can ever women be viewed as equal to men? I plead, or rather beg women to be the change!


I feel the magic slowly taking over
My life is magical
but how can that be, I wonder?
I don't really believe in magic!
I'm blown away- amazed
All the walls around me have shattered
I'm free- free from my inhibitions,
Free from my judgemental nature
Free from preconceived notions
I always saw life and time as linear- constantly moving forward constantly growing
But now I know better than ever it's not true.
We move from dreams to reality as we grow
But I feel the magic because I see my reality replaced by dreams
And not just distant dreams
Dreams just within the grasp of my fingers
Dreams that I know are my future reality
Close minded people like me may see it as a step back, an obstacle
A journey into utopia
But I know this is the furthest I've ever been- the closest to living
I live in a magical world
And I didn't believe that magic existed but there's no other explanation
I can feel that what I want is meant to be
Im converted into a believer

My life is a fairy tale 

Mesmerising Duality

The duality of feelings in my situation mesmerises me
On one hand I'm somewhat lonely
And on the other hand I enjoy this feeling of walking alone
I miss people I can trust
But it's also refreshing how much I was craving such loneliness
I feel intelligent because I made it here
And I feel incredibly stupid when I see how I just barely did- and how many smart and amazing people there are from all over the world.
I often have to face my inadequacies
Yet it's not a negative reproach
Because I'm discovering myself as I never have
It's like I'm really seeing myself for the first time
There are so many people
It's very disconnected- and yet there are these almost invisible strong connections uniting everyone in their solitude, in their differences.
There are noises- overwhelming sounds
And I still seem to be hearing myself more clearly than ever before
There is a fear of the new- the unknown
And yet there's this tiny brave heart in me which is cherishing every second of venturing into the strange and amazing
I'm standing alone on this bridge beautifully illuminated by blue lights as if complementing the night skies above
There are disturbances- movements distractions
And yet I've never concentrated better
Never been more in control of my thoughts
Or had greater clarity about life.